#3 Benny Napoles

Benny is a father of 2 children, a music teacher & an all-around good guy.  He comes from a very close family that makes you wish you were a part of. His own father is a good dad and I think laid down a great foundation that Benny has build on to be the awesome dad he is now. If you are interested in learning a musical instrument please look him up on Instagram @opethfan88 or look up The Music Hub in Fresno, Ca. 
Benny is a father of 2 children, a music teacher & an all-around good guy.  He comes from a very close family that makes you wish you were a part of. His own father is a good dad and I think laid down a great foundation that Benny has build on to be the awesome dad he is now. If you are interested in learning a musical instrument please look him up on Instagram @opethfan88 or look up The Music Hub in Fresno, Ca. 
#3 Benny Napoles
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